It has been said, “action speaks louder than words”, and if two people in a relationship enjoy each other’s company without exchanging too many words, then, it portrays health and a healthy relationship.

The gestures between them speak volumes. Even when an exchange of words does not occur, you can find out if the bonding is reliable or not.
All it takes is the right eye, intuition, and an understanding of how people act when they feel a sense of attraction to another individual.
What are those unsaid words that can be sensed between two people? Reading the signs of physical attraction between two individuals is a matter of study, here we will help you to determine what it takes to build a healthy relationship.
What effort it takes to understand the sign of chemistry between two people can either be easy or hard depending on who the individual in question is.
Through this article, we’re going to learn what is a physical attraction and what it takes to make a strong bonding of trust and mutual understanding.
All you need to do is observe with a watchful eye. We’ll have a look at all the features that shows the sign of a healthy physical attraction between two people.
What is a physical attraction?
Physical attraction is the strength of attractiveness regarding one’s physical appearance. The power could vary and depends on factors including but not limited to culture, society and the way humans perceive one another.
The following explained points helps you to get a better understand the signs of physical attraction between two people. Check them out.
Having shared interest
Having shared interest is one of the most critical hidden gesture that keeps you going together in the long run. Shared interest binds you together to talk and to plan things to happen in the present as well as future. It always keeps you on your toes. Shared interests never get your bored, and it will eventually lead to falling for each other again and again.
Mutual respect for each other
Whatever may be the initial reason for attraction between you, if you do not respect each other’s feelings, their emotions, their weaknesses, the relationship will not run long. Respect for each other as a human makes yourself worthier.
Body language
It’s more like being a mirror image of each other. People in a relationship tend to grasp the same body language to please each other, and more than doing it knowingly, their brain directs to do so. It is one of the most critical gestures of a strong physical attraction between two persons.
Knowing the small details
In a healthy relationship, the partners understand even the minor movement of the other.
This feature is only present with a person who has a high physical bonding. It may include anything ranging from small issues which can upset a person, to what can make them happy, their needs and requirements being met, etc.
The code language
This characteristic is also one of the critical points to be noticed. You might have seen that few words and gestures are unnoticeable for other people, but it’s utterly understandable between the couple.
Which time they generate words and codes which are entirely private to them, and no one other than them can make it out and giggle.
Even silences speak for them. You don’t need the other person talking all the time to impress you, and you just feel comfortable sitting beside each other in silence.
Time doesn’t matter
People with a high chemistry between them are lost in each other no matter how much time flies. They are into each other talking, discussing, laughing hours and hours and yet not getting bored.
Physical Touch
If two people react positively to basic physical touch, it can show that they are comfortable with each other and may have a good sexual chemistry.
They feel that the contact is essential and is a healthy sign of their relationship. The Oxytocin or the hormone runs very smoothly in their body.
To conclude, two people in a healthy and robust physical bonding will always try to groom them self-up to keep attracting the other.
They will maintain a gentle tone that does not hurt each other’s sentiments and will make them fall for each other. So, in a way, a person in a relationship tries to make them self-adaptable so that they have more space for love to come in.