Throughout our lives, we will create many connections. Our family, friends, coworkers, and even the people we meet on the street.

But sometimes we come across someone with whom we share an unexplainable connection. When this happens, you may have met a karmic soulmate – or even, if you are fortunate, your twin flame. Here’s what we know:
What Is A Karmic Soulmate?
Karmic connections persist from life to life. As we die and are reborn, we often synchronize with our soul group.
They are the souls who are the closest to us on the tree of consciousness and exist to help us learn about ourselves and each other. Karmic soulmates come in all shapes and sizes, and there is no requirement for a karmic relationship to be a romantic one.
They often are though, and they can be extraordinary learning experiences for us. You Might Have Met Your Twin Flame
One particular type of karmic soulmate is our twin flame.
Everybody has a twin flame, a mirror of our soul with whom we are destined to unite.
Feeling an unexplainable connection with your twin flame when you first meet is par for the course, with it often feeling like you’ve known each other forever. In a way, you have. Not in your current incarnation, but your souls have traveled together since they were created.
Before you meet your twin flame, you might see the twin flame numbers appear to you through synchronicity.
There are also other signs and symptoms that you have met your twin flame that we won’t go into here. What To Do About an Unexplainable Connection?
What you do with your karmic soulmate depends on your circumstances, needs, and desires – as well as theirs, of course!
There are reasons you might ignore this kind of connection. For instance, you might want to keep your distance if you are committed to a relationship already, as karmic soulmates often find themselves getting more involved than they intended to with each other. You might also have just come out of a problematic relationship. Karmic relationships are often tricky too, so if you are not ready for that, perhaps you should keep a distance.
In both of these cases, you might be able to forge a valuable friendship. Just be aware that these friendships sometimes escalate. If this unexplainable connection has convinced you that you do want to go out with your karmic soulmate, you should strap in.
It could be a bumpy ride, but you will learn a lot about yourself along the way.
If it turns out to be your twin flame you have discovered a connection with then you will learn more than you imagine. The twin flame relationship has the strongest, most mysterious connection of all. Regardless of what you decide to do, be thankful for the opportunity to reunite with a soul that you have walked with on so many journeys.
20 Signs You Have an Unexplainable Connection With Someone
Here are 20 signs that you have an unexplainable connection with someone: You just feel different around them.
When you are around them, you feel like you can be yourself, and there is an instant connection. You feel different but good and you just can’t explain it.
They make you feel like home.
When you are around this person, you feel like you are finally home. You don’t have to explain yourself and you feel completely comfortable. And you just know that they understand you. You are inexplicably drawn to them.
For some inexplicable reason, you are just drawn to this person. You can’t explain it but you feel like you need to be around them. You are magically drawn to their energy. Your intuition tells you they are special.
Your intuition is telling you that this person is special and you just can’t ignore it. You feel like they are meant to be in your life for a reason. What this reason is, you don’t know but you are ready to find out.
You feel a deep connection with them.
You feel a deep connection with this person that you can’t explain. It’s like you have known them your whole life even though you just met them.
You feel like they are your soulmate.
Could it be possible that you have finally found the one?
They understand you in a way no one else does.
This person understands you in a way that no one else does. They know what you are feeling without you even having to say a word. You feel like they can read your mind. They always show up at the perfect time.
This person always seems to show up at the perfect time. When you need them, they are there for you. They seem to know what you need before you even ask for it.
They’ve helped you through tough times.
This person has helped you through tough times, and they were always there for you when you needed them. They have been your rock when things got tough.
You have a strong physical attraction to them.
You have a strong physical attraction to this person, and you can’t explain it. You are drawn to their energy and their presence. It is something you have never felt before. You feel a deep spiritual connection with them.
You feel a deep spiritual connection with this person, and you can’t explain it. It’s like you are connected on a soul level. You feel like you have known them in a past life.
You just feel like you belong together.
Your energy levels are higher when you’re around them.
Your energy levels are higher when you’re around this person, and you can’t explain it. You feel like they are giving you a boost of energy. It’s like they are charging you up.
You share the same values and beliefs.
You share the same values and beliefs with this person, and you can’t explain it. It’s like you have found your kindred spirit. You feel like you were meant to meet them. You feel like you’ve known them forever.
You feel like you’ve known this person forever, and you can’t explain it. It’s like you have a deep connection with them that you can’t shake. You feel like you were meant to meet them.
You have the same sense of humor.
You share the same sense of humor with this person, and you can’t explain it. It’s like you have found your other half.
You find yourself laughing at the same jokes and enjoying the same things.
Your dreams often feature them in some way.
Your dreams often feature this person somehow, and you can’t explain it. It’s like they are a part of your subconscious. You might even see them in your waking life too. The timing of your meeting was no coincidence.
You feel like the timing of your meeting was no coincidence, and you can’t explain it. It’s like it was meant to be. You were meant to meet this person for a reason.
You feel inexplicably drawn to their eyes.
You feel inexplicably drawn to this person’s eyes, and you can’t explain it. It’s like you are looking into their soul. You feel a deep connection with them.
They make you want to be a better person.
This person makes you want to be a better person. They inspire you to be the best version of yourself. You feel like you can accomplish anything when you are with them. You can’t imagine your life without them.
You can’t imagine your life without this person, and you can’t explain it. It’s like they are a part of you. You can’t imagine your life without them.
You have an unexplainable connection with them.
You have an inexplicable connection with this individual, and you can’t explain it. It’s as if something is drawing you together. You feel as though you were meant to meet each other.
Unexplainable Connection Meaning
So what does it mean when you have an unexplainable connection with someone? There is no one answer to this question, as the meaning of an unexplainable connection can vary from person to person.
For some, this connection may represent a strong spiritual or emotional bond that cannot be easily defined.
Others may simply feel a deep sense of familiarity or intimacy with this person, without explaining why.
In general, an unexplainable connection is often seen as a positive thing, as it represents a special bond between two people. This connection can be enriching and empowering, and it can give both individuals a sense of support and belonging.
If you have an unexplainable connection with someone, cherish it and nurture it, as it is a rare and special thing. Unexplainable Connection With A Friend
If you have an unexplainable connection with a friend, it can be a wonderful thing. This connection is often based on trust and understanding, and it can be very strong.
If you have an unexplainable connection with a friend, make sure to nurture it and keep it strong.
Spend time with this person, share your thoughts and feelings, and enjoy being together.
Unexplainable Connection With Someone You’ve Never Met
If you have an unexplainable connection with someone you’ve never met, it can be a bit more difficult to understand. However, this connection still exists, and it’s just as real as any other.
If you have an unexplainable connection with someone you’ve never met, try to explore what it means to you. What is it about this person that fascinates you? Why do you feel drawn to them?
Take some time to reflect on your connection, and see if you can figure out why it’s so special. If you’re unable to find an answer, that’s okay too.
The meaning of an unexplainable connection can be mysterious and elusive, and that’s part of what makes it so special.
An unexplainable connection is a special thing, and it should be cherished and nurtured. If you have an unexplainable connection with someone, make sure to spend time with them and enjoy being together.
This connection might have several meanings to different people, but it is generally taken to represent a strong emotional or spiritual link.