Do you have that nagging sensation that your loved one is thinking about you when you’re not together?

It’s a wonderful, warm feeling that seems to come from nowhere and fills your entire being. If you’re lucky enough to experience this with your twin flame, then you know how strong the connection can be.
This article will discuss 14 physical signs that your twin flame is thinking about you!
14 Physical Signs Your Twin Flame is Thinking About You
So how do you know when your twin flame is thinking about you? How can you tell if they are just having a normal day or they are feeling connected to you?
There are many physical signs that may indicate they’re thinking of you.
It’s important to be aware of these so that it doesn’t come as a surprise if one happens.

If your twin flame is thinking about you, then there will usually be some kind of reaction.
Or there will be a reaction to your body, like goosebumps or chills. 1. You Get a Sudden Feeling That They Are Near You
When you suddenly feel that your twin flame is near you, it’s usually because they are.
This can be a really strong sign that they are thinking about you and want to connect with you.
What you sense is their energy, which is being transferred to you because you are both connected. The energy can manifest itself in many ways.
For example, if they’re thinking about how much they miss being together, then this energy might make you feel happy.
2. You Get Chills or Goosebumps

One of the most common physical signs that your twin flame is thinking about you is when you get goosebumps or chills. This reaction usually happens when they send you love, which can cause an intense feeling of warmth or coldness in the body.
You may also experience a tingling sensation, as well as other sensations like butterflies in your stomach or lightheadedness. These reactions are caused by the energy sent to you—it’s their way of saying, “I love you!”
3. You May Feel Their Presence When You’re Apart
When you’re apart from your twin flame, sometimes you may feel their presence. This usually happens when you’re feeling down or lonely and is a way for them to let you know that they are always with you.
They may also try to reach out to you in other ways when you’re apart, like through dreams or intuition. 4. You Get Butterflies In Your Stomach

Another common physical sign that your twin flame is thinking about you is when you get butterflies in your stomach. This reaction usually happens when you’re feeling happy or excited, and it’s their way of letting you know that they are happy too! 5. You May Feel Lightheaded or Dizzy
When your twin flame is thinking about you, sometimes you may feel lightheaded or dizzy.
This happens because they send you a lot of energy, and your body is trying to process it all at once!
You may also experience other physical signs such as feeling cold or hot flashes when this occurs. 6. Your Hair May Stand On End When You Are Near Them
When you’re near your twin flame, sometimes you may feel like your hair is standing on end.
This can happen when they’re sending you love, and it’s their way of letting you know that they care about you.
7. Your Heart May Beat Little Faster Than Normal

If your twin flame is thinking about you, you may sometimes feel like your heart is beating a little faster than normal. This usually happens when they send love to you or send energy through their heart chakra. You may feel a sense of warmth in your chest or a tingling sensation.
8. You Feel More Connected To Them Than Normal
When your twin flame thinks about you, you may feel more connected to them than normal. This happens because the connection between you is getting stronger, and they are trying to reach out to you on a deeper level.
Your intuition may also be heightened during this time, so pay attention to any messages that come through! 9. You May Experience Physical Symptoms Of Their Emotions

Sometimes when your twin flame is thinking about you, they may send you physical symptoms of their emotions. For example, if they’re feeling angry, you might get a headache, or if they’re feeling sad, you might get a stomach ache.
These symptoms usually only last for a short period.
You are always physically connected to your twin flame, even when you’re unaware of it.
The energy they are sending you can sometimes cause physical signs like the ones above.
Pay attention to any physical symptoms that you experience and try to connect with them emotionally.
This is a great way to deepen your connection with your twin flame! 10. You Feel Loved And Protected
When your twin flame is thinking about you, you may get the feeling of being loved and protected.
They are sending you positive energy to make sure that everything is okay on your end too. It also means your twin flame is in a positive mood, and they are thinking about how to spend some good time with you.
Even if your twin flame is not physically present in front of you, you will still feel their strong presence around you.
You will feel their love, attention, and care. You may also get the feeling of being watched over by them. They send out positive energy as a reminder that they are always with you, no matter where they are.
11. You Feel Your Passions Blazing

When your twin flame is thinking about you, you will also feel their passion for you. There will be a burning sensation in your heart, which means that both of you are connected through love and thoughts.
You may even experience some intense, intimate desires because it’s a sign from them to let you know that they are thinking about you and want to be with you.
The passion between the two of you is always strong, so when your twin flame sends out this signal, it just confirms how much they love and desire you.
12. You Feel Complete And Whole
When you feel complete in yourself, then it means your twin flame is thinking of you.
They understand all of your quirks, and they still love you anyway. Their thoughts towards you make you feel complete and whole—as if you are finally home. It’s a feeling of belonging that is so strong it cannot be described in words.
Just being around your twin flame makes you feel complete and happy as if all of your worries have melted away.
13. You Feel Connected On A Deep Level
When you feel connected to your twin flame on a deep level, it means they are thinking of you.
Their thoughts and love towards you have created a strong bond between the two of you that cannot be broken. It’s as if they have known you their entire life, and you have known them just as long.
This connection is so strong it makes you feel like they are the only person in this world who truly understands what it means to be alive.
14. You Feel Happy And Lighthearted

When your twin flame thinks about you, you will feel happy and lighthearted. They have the power to make you feel this way, even if they are not physically with you.
You will find yourself smiling whenever your name comes up in conversation.
This is because their love for you has created such an intense bond between both of you that it makes life worth living.
If you truly want to know if your twin flame is thinking of you, don’t take a chance.
Instead, speak with a real, qualified psychic who will provide you with the answers you’re seeking. With their guidance, you can find out what your twin flame is thinking and feeling right now.
You will also receive helpful advice on maintaining a healthy relationship with them as well!